Welcome to Word for Woman - Letters on shadow work, feelings and conscious relating

Hi, thank you for subscribing to Word for Woman! This is an auto-mail confirming your subscription, and telling you that you will start receiving Word for Woman-newsletter right here in your inbox.

My aim is to send out a letter once a month, but I’m still building my writing skills and habits, and nowadays I send these letters out much more occasionally. So you just have to wait patiently for the next one! But if you really miss me, check out my website www.IdaEira.com, maybe there are other essays there!

Word for Woman is the home of my thoughts around shadow work, feelings and conscious relating, inspired by my years of personal work within the tantric field.

I wish for the newsletter to be a source of new perspectives, of recognition, and also for thoughts and discussions. I would love love to hear your opinion if anything in the letters touch you, so please reach out to me! I write about these things because I love exploring them, and Im always ready for dialogues around these topics.

This is me, Ida Eira

I am Ida, based in the forest outside the oldest city of Norway: Tønsberg. I work as a performing artist and offer Chinese tea ceremonies. Apart from writing here on Substack, I also share essays on Medium. and through my own website IdaEira. I mostly write on creativity, spirituality, womanhood - and the personality system of the Enneagram.

Subscribe to Word for Woman

Letters on shadow work, feelings and conscious relating


Performing artist, meditator, hobby writer and tea ceremonialist. Here on Substack, I write "Word for Woman" - letters on shadow work, feelings and conscious relating. And maybe there's a creativity newsletter coming soon too.